
Pie signaling

KAYAK HAND & PADDLE SIGNALS that all kayakers should know to communicate with their paddle buddies. Especially when paddling in a group of many people, it will make communication easier when in a wide area without having to shout.
These five signals are commonly used as international signals, and can be communicated all over the world, whether we are on a trip with Thai or foreign kayakers.

Today we will learn about all 5 signs and what they are.

1. Signal to follow or continue. Lift the paddle straight up and forward and hold it. If other kayakers are farther away, lift the paddle up high.

2. Signal for help If an unexpected event or accident occurs and you need help, hold the paddle upright and wave it forward and back.

3. To signal that the event is normal, raise your hand above your head and pat it down gently.
4. Signal to reverse. If there is an obstacle in front or you cannot go forward, hold the paddle parallel to the boat, lift it above your head and move the paddle blade up and down.

5. Stop signal. If you are not sure whether the road ahead is clear, hold the paddle parallel to the boat and lift it above your head.

However, there should be a practice signal before each actual paddle as a group review. Don't forget that safety is the most important thing. Have fun kayaking!


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