Over the past 20 years, we Kayakers have met and become very familiar with P'Saroj and P'Waew, who are always smiling and friendly. They are both simple people, but they are always there for each other, no matter what the activity is, on every bend of the river, stream, dam, or even the sea.
From the post of the admin from the Kayak Thailand page that was previously written in the post at this link, it is the origin of the mission to take Grandpa Dolphin II, the old boat (which is one of Feelfree's first models) back to its first home to be taken care of by skilled technicians. After being the main vehicle that Brother Saroj and Sister Waew traveled through many stories on the water for tens of thousands of kilometers over a period of 18-19 years, Grandpa Dolphin II's first home trip this time is part of Feelfree's after-sales service. It confirms and reinforces our Lifetime warranty very well. And even more so with the skilled technicians who have accumulated a lot of specialized experience, who will help Grandpa come back to look sparkling, lively and lively like new.
However, we wish P'Waew and P'Saroj happiness with the Dolphin II and may you continue to drive for tens of thousands more kilometers.

Next are the Before & After photos after grandpa visited Feelfree beauty clinic.

Picture of Grandpa Dolphin ll when he was playing on the water.

The friendly smiles of the two brothers that we, the paddlers, are very familiar with.